There's a good chance this is this the first time you've thought properly about your digital marketing. So no doubt there are a few burning questions you have. Take a look below at the Frequently Asked Questions - hopefully you'll find the answer there.
If not, feel free to contact us today with your questions!
Q: Do I need a website for my business?
A: This depends on the type of business you're in. Some businesses simply use a digital presence in Facebook, Instagram or similar. However it restricts potential customers finding you, and your Google presence will be limited.
Q: I don't have a website at the moment!
A: We can help you by creating a website tailored for your business and your online requirements.
Q: Do I need a domain name for a website?
A: Yes, a domain name, or web address as some call it is the actual address people use to find your website.
Q: Why isn't my business showing up in Google searches?
A: Unless Google has verified your business details, indexed your website and finds relevant keywords available in your website, your ability to be seen in Google is very low. The less information that Google has to work with, the less it can show in searches!
Q: What can be done to increase my Google presence?
A: A responsive website is the first step but most importantly is your Google My Business Listing. If you don't have this updated and current, Google won't be able to see your details. Ask us more about GMB Listings today!
Q. How much of the Digital Campaign can I manage myself in-house?
A: We work in conjunction, adjacent or independent to your business depending on you! Most businesses simply don't have the time so they request that we manage it and report to them. Where as others want to be hands on, and work with us every step of the way. We try to adapt a flexible approach to suit your needs.
Q: How will I know if the campaign is working?
A: A great aspect of what we do is that its 100% transparent. Meaning that Google, Facebook, Instagram and other platforms will feed us with Insights and Analytics. These numbers don't lie and they give us a true indication of how well or bad a campaign is tracking. Best of all they are accessible 24/7, meaning that you wont have to wait till the end of a month to discover something didn't work. If we discover something is failing we take steps to fix it then and there!
Q. What areas does Saber Digital Solutions service and cover?
A: Whilst we are based in South East Queensland, that doesn't mean we can't serve out of this area. And while we prefer to meet in person that is not always possible. However, with modern day technologies such as zoom, we can now meet digitally to discuss your requirements face-to-face, regardless of where you are!